Porcelain Dental Restoration


Porcelain Fillings

For healthier, whiter teeth that make you smile

Porcelain fillings are a colored agent for teeth that protect them from standard bacteria that destroy tooth enamel. The fillings maintain and protect the teeth and help them look white day after day. The white, natural fillings are virtually unnoticeable, as they blend with the other teeth and give the patient a radiant smile. Porcelain fillings are considered a healthier choice and are less vulnerable to developing cavities in the teeth.

Man having teeth examined at dentists.


Porcelain is compact and strong ceramic; harder than natural enamel.


Tinted to match any shade of natural teeth so it is unnoticeable.

Chemically Stable

Never prone to contracting or expanding under extreme temperatures.

Wear Resistant

When bonded with metal, they always maintain their shape and size


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